Friday, April 9, 2010

This season is going to be interesting. The Beaches have changed so much. that many of the good fishing spots and surfing breaks have moved around.
With so little beach left; we are bound to get in each other’s way.
So all the little inside deals the State made with the local residents and the fishing community in the 30’s will start to be questioned. More of the “general” community will want to know why they can’t enjoy the same rights to the beach that the fishermen have. After all, they pay taxes too.
By accessing Demo through field 2, we have increased our visibility to the general public. They will ask.
Why can he drive his truck on that beach, but I can’t?
Why does he need a giant truck/camper to carry a few fishing poles to the water?
I just saw some surfers walk down there, and they were carrying their gear.
Why are they filling in the road to Demo with my taxpayer money when Jones WE2, RM3,& 4 are still closed?
More and more of us, who do more than just fish, will continue to question” why is it against the rules to simply have a surfboard in my truck? Especially if I not only possess all the proper fishing, and safety gear; but I am actually FISHING, on the FISHING BEACH. NOT SURFING.
I live on the north shore; so this has always bothered me. Why do I have to decide at 6 in the morning what activity I will engage in at 6 tonight, after work? Do I load my fishing, or surfing gear?
When I surf from the T/O Babylon Surfing beach; They don’t care that I have a fishing pole in my truck.
This is my opinion…I think the state can’t enforce the no surfing policy. They CAN make it illegal to carry a board in my truck. But can’t enforce the no surfing rule because it takes place bellow the High Tide Mark.
It all comes down to That often sited Colonial Law: “The Public Trust Doctrine”. It concerns "public rights of way", and a man's right to feed his family. This is why it is often quoted the Fishing Lobby. Some of these public rights of way go back 300 years.
It has also been stretched to include the right to recreate in the water. Though I doubt that Colonial Law anticipated surfing, recreational fishing, or driving on the beach.
So I will watch this year with great interest… if Sore Thumb and Gilgo remain closed, and DEMO is now open, only at night; it will be interesting to see how many “Fishermen” decide to carry their gear down to Demo.

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