Thursday, December 29, 2011

Winter on Long Island

Well I may be out of commission; but the Crew is killin' it. Here are a few pic's from my favorite photographer Steve Domjan. Photo's like these, just make me want to heal faster.

While the swell at Da' Meadow doesn't look so large, the wind is absolutely howling.

See Steve's flikr page.

Monday, December 26, 2011


It’s been a frustrating Fall and Winter for me. Unusually warm, windy, and plenty of swell. But I am sidelined.
It seems I tore some tendons and ligaments during my accident this summer. The doc’s and I were so worried about the coma, we kind of overlooked my “other’ aches. But in retrospect, if you look at the video’s from July, you can see I was favoring my left side. I guess I was just out to prove that I wasn’t hurt.

So I am resting and doing what I can to mend. But I find it very frustrating.

But until I am back I figured I would show you guys some photos that Ted took at TOBAY in October. Ted came to us from Lake Michigan, and is no stranger to big swell, or cold water sailing. Plus he exudes the type of positivity I wish I had. I honestly don’t think I have ever seen him without a smile on his face.

The sequence is of the infamous “Air George”