Saturday, August 31, 2013

Lots of events this Fall. Which one's will you be at?

ECWF ‘The East Coast Wind Fest’ Cape Cod: 9/14-9/15/2013 

Find your information at and as always at The Puffin

I would like to thank our northern Brothers and Sisters for hosting the East Coast Wind West this year. It will be good to see “Team Abide”, “The Dude”, and the tribe of “Great White One”, sharing the water with Long Island’s “Puffins”, "Wind Chimps", “The Crew”, and "Heckscher’s Freestyle crew".">The 2012 OBX Challenge
from">Mike Burns on">Vimeo.
The first East Coast Windsurfing Festival - Cape Cod will take place at Kalmus Beach in Hyannis on September 14 and 15, 2013. Modeled after the ECWF in Long Island, we will have fun races and a freestyle competition. This event is about having fun windsurfing with friends - all windsurfers, regardless of skills, is welcome to participate. The registration fee will be $20 per person, regardless of whether you compete in racing, freestyle or both events.

John Ford’s Hampton Watersports  will hold their annual SWAP MEET 9/14.

688 County Road 39, Southampton NY 11968.  If you're selling gear it's best to arrive before 9:00 AM or to bring it days before, though you can still show up during if that's your only option.
Windsurfing, SUP’ing, Kiteboarding, Surfing...  Find great used stuff, sell your stuff, pick amongst the closeout gear for deals.   If you need more info call Jonathan at 631-283-9463.

LIBAG.ORG  Will be holding two Beach Clean Ups on 9/21.

As they have done every year; LIBAG will be having two beach clean up’s in September. Working in cooperation with the American Littoral Society. ...Saturday, September 21, 2013, at 10:00 AM, LIBAG will be cleaning Gilgo Town Beach and Robert Moses State Park field 5. 
LIBAG can really use your help at RM 5. I hope to see some members of the Long Island windsurfing group lending a hand.

9/16 -9/21 is the AWT; American Windsurfing Tour’s North Carolina Hatteras Wave Jam.

AWT Tour Director, Sam Bittner, has built this into a world class contest.


Thanks for making a difference

Saturday, August 3, 2013

RIP Andre Paskowski

OK first things first.  Thanks to Jon Sasson for sharing this Video.

Magic Moments from Andre Paskowski on Vimeo.

Now. Go to Mike’s Blog, of hopefully I have embedded the video from his Gorge trip down below.

See you all Tuesday at the "Children of the Wind" showing
Tuesday, August 06 7:30pm - 9:20pm
in Huntington, NY at Cinema Arts Centre,

I will have the last of the Long Island Windsurfing group T-Shirts. So bring your money and pick up your shirts. If you didn’t order one; we do have some extras. Thanks again to Jon for setting this up. and Thandi for setting up the Hudson River showing.

Lastly, because of all the rain thursday night, I sailed Segue last night. I would rather have been windsurfing in the 20+ winds we had...But I am all to aware of the sad state of our water. 

I still enjoyed taking the old girl for a spin around City Island. I always love sailing around City Island. There is just more to look at,; plus I have been cruising it's mooring areas for over 40 years. When I was a kid, I used to work the bow on an Ensign out of the Morris Yacht Club. To this day I can still taste the post sail, burger and frys the owner would treat me to for crewing on his boat. I drank a Coke, [I was only eight], but remember that “Frat House” smell of beer and post race stories.

My bay; [Manhasset Bay], has turned into a cesspool of floating real estate. Giant floating clorox bottles, or tennis sneakers, with ridiculously high freeboard litter the Bay. Gone are the “glory days” of sailing I fell in love with. Atlantics, Solings, Etchells, MBOs, Knickerbockers, Hershoffs, Rhodes, Pearsons, S&Ss, Bullseys, Ensegns, and Cape Dorys. It’s sad really. All the class racers are on Sonars, the PRHF guys J boats, are  all in an arms race for the latest cellophane sails made from “unobtainium”.

I don’t know if it’s money or tradition...but there is a lot more “Classic Plastic” and wooden boats in the City Island mooring fields than my home port. Last night I must have seen at least 15 Cape Dorys. From Typhoons, to 30-somethings. It warms my heart to see actual sailboats. And last night was a perfect night for a Cape Dory... West wind; single reef in the Main, with about 110% Genni. Segue was practically sailing herself.